National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) – Systems Analyst
Pittsburgh, PA; Morgantown, WV; Albany, OR
Apply by 4/30/19
Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), this posting seeks an engineer or scientist to collaborate with NETL researchers to design industrial facilities which would leverage the NETL-developed technologies to produce rare earth elements from the coal related feedstocks. Once designed, NETL engineers will mentor the candidate to evaluate the performance of the process and provide REE production cost estimates based on process inputs, energy requirements, and products produced. The process design is expected to be refined as more is learned about the process inputs and outputs, allowing the candidate to learn more about the REE extraction process, industrial process design, process optimization techniques, and market evaluation strategies. The candidate will also collaborate with NETL engineers to design and perform sensitivity analyses to determine key process variables and performance metrics.
During the process design activity, the candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with NETL separations researchers from a variety of backgrounds – ranging from geology to chemical engineering – as they learn more about the nuances of each separations process. This will inform the separations research, allowing NETL researchers and management to better understand how to optimize the separations processes and to identify research targets to better improve process performance. The candidate will have the opportunity to be creative and be a part of a motivated team, while learning about energy, process design and optimization, and mineral development processes.
Program information: Detailed information about the program can be found at Please send a CV to Thomas Tarka at
How to apply: Information in regard to the opportunity and a link to the application can be found at